Five Trees Planted For Every Piece Of Furniture
Being eco-friendly where possible is something that’s really important to me at Stacey’s Furniture Shop! SFS is a small business but I believe that if everyone can make small changes and take small steps we can make positive impacts for our environment.
Upcycling furniture means SFS is already reducing the amount of furniture that ends up in landfill, I use a shrink wrap that is recyclable at your local recycling centre and re use bubble wrap which can also be recycled at the correct facility. I am also extremely passionate about using environmentally friendly and water based paints. Asides from this, I wanted to go a step further to offset the carbon footprint for the business. Therefore from the end of March 2022 each time a piece of furniture is bought or commission at SFS, at least five trees will be planted, and that is all thanks to you!
Facilitating this is a fantastic Bristol based company called ‘Ecologi’ who you can learn more about on their website!
They have been featured in Forbes, Dazed, The Evening Standard and The Guardian.
Written on their website it says-
‘At Ecologi we use your money to support a broad range of projects that are able to evidence that they are reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Each month we support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard. Our funding strategy is guided by our Climate Committee and follow the Project Drawdown framework.’
‘It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial in preventing ecological collapse.
We have a range of amazing tree planting partners who are able to responsibly plant millions of trees a month on our community’s behalf’.
Now I know this might all sound a little complex but there is no need to worry! This is all done automatically when you purchase from SFS. Ecologi take an amount from the sale, which then goes to planting trees, taken on by one of their tree planting partners at different project sites all around the world. If you visit my Ecologi profile you will be able to see SFS virtual 'forest' grow and you can even see where the trees have been planted, if you click on the little clusters. It is amazing, I only launched this approx a week ago and we already have 35 trees planted in Madagascar, you can read further details for the project in Madagascar can on SFS virtual forest, when you click on those ‘clusters’ I previously mentioned.
If you wish to contribute to the growth of the forest, and ensure more trees are planted somewhere out there in the world (once bought, you can see where they will be planted, by again, clicking on the cluster once purchased), and help offset our carbon footprint further, you can visit my profile and click ‘add more impact’.
I am so excited and proud of this step towards offsetting SFS carbon footprint. I know that it is a small drop in the ocean but as I said before, if we are all making small changes towards a better environment, then surely there is some hope for the future!
Thank you so much for reading, for supporting me and helping grow this forest together!
Stacey x