How To Find Your Home Style
You go on Instagram or Pinterest, and whilst scrolling through all you see is beautifully styled homes and stylised shots, thinking wow they have got their shiz together! These bloggers and influencers must know exactly what their home style is and they have it completely figured out.
-Firstly, please please remember, this is Instagram and not reality, most people only show off their ‘best’ photos or ‘best’ angles. I am personally guilty of this too! If I am photographing a piece of furniture for my website it might look great with no mess in sight, but you can be sure as hell, behind myself and the camera is a pile of props and some mess that I am obviously not going to share with you!
-Firstly, please please remember, this is Instagram and not reality, most people only show off their ‘best’ photos or ‘best’ angles. I am personally guilty of this too! If I am photographing a piece of furniture for my website it might look great with no mess in sight, but you can be sure as hell, behind myself and the camera is a pile of props and some mess that I am obviously not going to share with you!
-And secondly, your home style is something that is discovered over time. Not many people can wake up one morning and have designed their home and got it all figured out! These ‘picture perfect homes’ have been curated, evolved and added to, often over months or even years. So if you are trying to design your home right now, and you’re overwhelmed with samples, colour charts and you haven’t got it all figured out yet. Don’t panic, it is okay, and you are not the only one!


Nothing beats a good old home magazine to catch some inspiration!
Often people say to me, what’s your style? Or, what’s your vibe? And to be honest I can’t give them an answer. Not a one word one anyway, that is something along the lines of Scandi, vintage, or farmhouse. The styles I am drawn to, and designs that I like, have definitely changed over the years and I have come to realise that it is okay to take inspiration from different design styles. I used to be well and truly on the grey hype, my walls, the carpet. Now I can’t stand grey everything! And I absolutely love Scandi, vintage and farmhouse and even some Hamptons vibes thrown in for good measure. I love a charity shop vintage find and am finding myself braver with colour than I ever have been.
Often people say to me, what’s your style? Or, what’s your vibe? And to be honest I can’t give them an answer. Not a one word one anyway, that is something along the lines of Scandi, vintage, or farmhouse. The styles I am drawn to, and designs that I like, have definitely changed over the years and I have come to realise that it is okay to take inspiration from different design styles. I used to be well and truly on the grey hype, my walls, the carpet. Now I can’t stand grey everything! And I absolutely love Scandi, vintage and farmhouse and even some Hamptons vibes thrown in for good measure. I love a charity shop vintage find and am finding myself braver with colour than I ever have been.
Fashion and trends are exactly that, one minute something is deemed cool and the next it is not. So if you don’t like a trend, simply don’t do it! I personally believe the best homes and most successful rooms and spaces come from choosing colours, patterns, and textures that you love, rather than those that are ‘hot right now’. Because if you don’t love it, how could you be passionate about it, and why would you want it anyway?
Never be afraid to mix styles, there is no rule book to say you can only have Scandi or you can only go modern! If you like modern but want to mix in some vintage, go for it! If you love farmhouse rustic but want to add in some bold textiles and patterns then why not?! If you love it that is what matters, after all you are the one who is going to be living with the design so your opinion is the most important.
Your home is a perfect place to inject your personality and ultimately create a space in which you love to live! Infuse your designs with things that make you happy such as sentimental photographs, ornaments, furniture heirlooms or perhaps a treasured piece of art or a tapestry. You may even want to use one of these items as the stimulus for your design, how cool is that?

This tapestry was created by my Grandmother and has huge sentimental value, I’ve styled it here on my sisters shelving which adds a beautiful vintage feel.
If you feel like you want to dive deeper and discover your home style, learn where to gather inspo that isn’t just Insta or Pinterest and find out how I put together a mood board, then you need to get your hands on my FREE eBook - Curating Your Home! All you have to do is sign up to my newsletter, confirm the email that’s sent to you and then it will land straight in your inbox (if you cannot see it straight away then check the promotional section of your inbox)!
If you feel like you want to dive deeper and discover your home style, learn where to gather inspo that isn’t just Insta or Pinterest and find out how I put together a mood board, then you need to get your hands on my FREE eBook - Curating Your Home! All you have to do is sign up to my newsletter, confirm the email that’s sent to you and then it will land straight in your inbox (if you cannot see it straight away then check the promotional section of your inbox)!

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Let me know in the comments-do you have a set style, or do you prefer to mix and match?!
Thanks so much for reading!
Stacey x