When is the weather considered too hot to paint?!

When is the weather considered too hot to paint?!

Summer is well and truly upon us and this heatwave has been causing havoc with my furniture painting schedule. A lot of you have been asking, is this weather too hot to paint in?
The short and simple answer is yes.
Each paint brand may vary slightly and you can usually find the brands guidelines on the paint tin or companies website, although on average it is advised not to paint furniture in temperatures above 21°C
But why should you not paint when the weather is too hot?
When painting furniture in hot weather temperatures, the paint dries too quickly and when paint dries too fast it does not have time for the pigments to bind together properly and will not be as durable in the short or longer term. Your paint may also peel straight off or flake away if you have painted your furniture when the temperature is too hot.
Not only this, but you may find as you are painting it dries almost instantly before you have the chance to properly brush it out and it’s extremely likely you will leave drag and brush marks through your paint which definitely does not make for the desired finish.
I would always avoid painting in direct sunlight, as this will only accelerate the drying speed. If you want to paint outside do so in a shaded-cooler area. But do bare in mind when painting outside, if there is a slight breeze or the wind picks up, you can be left with little specks of dust and dirt on your painted furniture which nobody wants to see!
If you just cannot wait to crack on with your DIY furniture paint project when the weather outside is hot, I recommend finding the coolest place in your home and painting either in the morning or at night time when the temperature is lower and allow for the paint to dry properly before re coating even if it seems as though it is touch dry, always allow for the recommended time before re coating!

Painting stripes on furniture
 Have a question about painting your own furniture and looking for advise or furniture painting tips? You might find your answer in one of my previous blog posts like my post on how to clean and care for your painted furniture. You can also get in touch through email or social media and I can guide you in the right direction!

If you are looking to transform your home and create a space you are totally in love with, I’m the girl that’s going to help you get there! 🙋🏼‍♀️ For the past four years, I have been helping my clients fall in love with their homes again through their stylish re designed and painted furniture furniture. Could your home be the next?! If so, I can’t wait to hear from you! 
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